Only a healthy child belongs to the kindergarten

The kindergarten teacher may refuse to admit a child to kindergarten if they notice signs of illness (fever, rash, eye inflammation, vomiting, diarrhoea, severe cough, earache, etc.) upon a child’s arrival. After all, everyone has the right to protection against infectious diseases and the duty to protect their own health and the health of others against infectious diseases (Infectious Diseases Act).

In case of restricted movement of the child, e.g.: plaster, blindfold… the parents, the kindergarten teacher and the organizer of the health and hygiene regime discuss and agree on the child’s presence in the group in advance.

If suspected that a child has suddenly contracted an infectious disease, they should be isolated until the arrival of a parent or custodian, if possible. Measures must be taken to prevent the spread of infectious diseases by contact, body fluids, excretions and faeces.

We do not give any medicine to a child if we do not have the prior written consent of the parents or custodians with the consent of the doctor and the instructions for administration of the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

Take into account that the child can return to kindergarten at least 48 hours after the last vomiting, diarrhoea, or fever. Only a healthy child belongs to the kindergarten!

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